Staffan Carle
12 min readJun 14, 2020


Rewriting the article Make for yourself … 1, by the Rabash

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

A great guy said “Set the goal, bond, and do the job.” So, as we see, there are three things here: 1) Set the goal; 2) bond; 3) Do the job.

So, that means that except for setting the goal for himself a person also needs the social aspect, meaning other people, well, friends. And to get the thing, or the job, done, he needs to look at the others with real care and consideration; that’s the job.

Okay, so we need to look at the difference between these three things now. Setting the goal is like, something you do, right. Perhaps it’s not exactly really what I want to do, meaning from my guts so to speak, but anyway it’s what I need to do now. Probably I don’t really need a goal but only want to rest or watch a game on the telly or whatever. But anyway I set this goal, without involving my own wills and whims and whatnot; well I do it even against all that even. No brains in short; just do it, kind of.

So, as you might guess, we are talking about doing something here that doesn’t really benefit myself, like something greater than that, which is far above my little brains. So let’s say I’m like a big donkey here or an ox, and the action is like putting a yoke on it to make it work, even though the beast itself doesn’t see any great benefit from its plowing the soil right now.

We are actually talking about great things here, really important stuff, far more important than plowing or anything you can think of. It’s like nature itself is putting this yoke on us, making us work, not because we want to, cause we don’t, but because it’s like for the benefit of nature itself, which includes basically everything’s benefit, including my own (even though I don’t know it).

So how can the mister cow, read I, agree to it? Well, not possible. That’s why it needs to be done above reason so to speak. It’s called Set the goal, because it’s not just any goal but it’s the greatest goal of all, the goal of nature, which is the greatest, no doubt.

It says in a great book: “The main thing is respect, for man to respect nature, ’cause you don’t mess with nature, ’cause nature is the boss and the purpose and the cause and more important than anything, mark my words, and no one can add anything to it.”

So that’s why step one here is to “Set the goal,” and agree to what nature tells me, even though I don’t agree to it. It’s called “doing,” meaning it’s pure action, despite the body’s, or mind’s, disagreement. Then, afterwards, “bond.” Bonding means you give up on your freedom of being alone doing exactly what you feel like the way you feel like doing it without caring about anything or anyone else. It’s like I trade my freedom, or whatever you wanna call it, for something else.

It’s the same thing when it comes to making an effort to come closer to nature. Which means that if we really want to be equal to nature in the way we think and exist and in everything we can think of, meaning to get similar to nature, like in nature being only good and beneficial to everyone and everything, we need to make that trade, meaning to give up on my own holy (or stinking, whichever you think) solitude to be able to bond with nature. That’s the meaning of “Bond.”

Let’s just think a bit. It’s quite clear here that before I set the goal, the great goal, I’m not able to give up on my solitude or independence or whatever you wanna call it and bond with others, which is really to bond with nature, which is the goal. Because I don’t have the goal yet. Only after a person set the goal he can start to move his body so to speak, and start trading his own comfortable little private space with what’s outside of him, like other people, nature and a greater purpose. Meaning, first he obviously needs to feel that this goal is really really important to him, cause then it’s clear that this thing, which is clinging to nature, is really worth all efforts.

Okay. Now, if a person feels that he’s not capable of overcoming himself and his little comfortable self because he thinks that he’s not strong enough and he was born with a weak nature and whatnot, it’s not so. The true reason is that he’s not feeling the greatness of the goal. In other words, he still doesn’t really feel what the goal is, or that it’s even something great, so he doesn’t have the strength to overcome himself for something that is not very important. But if it’s for a really important thing, anyone can give up on other important stuff that they love, to be able to get what they need.

For example, let’s say someone is really tired and goes to bed around eleven in the night; if someone wakes him at three in the morning, of course he’ll say he’s not getting up, no way, since he’s so tired, of course. Maybe he feels a little weak or has a little fever, and there’s just no way the body will have the power to get up at the time he’s used to even.

But hey, let’s say this guy is really really tired, and is feeling sick, and goes to sleep at midnight, but someone wakes him at like one in the morning saying, “Hey, there’s a fire in your yard, it’s about to come into your room! If you wanna live, get up right now,” he won’t make any excuses about being tired or sick or anything like that. No way. He will make any effort he can to save his own life. Of course; cause here he has something really important to achieve, so the body has the energy to do whatever it takes to get him there.

So, that’s why when a person is trying to “Set the goal,” he really believes that this is really important, as if his life depends on it. If he really feels like that; the body has all the strength needed to overcome all the obstacles, like with the guy and the fire. That’s why whatever one’s doing, whatever one’s trying to learn or achieve, one needs to focus on the importance, yeah that’s right, of the goal. Just put all your money on that, so to speak.

This is called to take the diamond out of the trash, which means to take the really great things out from the trash to where they had been dumped. So what we’re talking about is that one doesn’t put something really important on the ground; you only do that with unimportant stuff. And since the really great stuff, like a diamond, is thrown to the very bottom of the trash bin, it’s clear that before making great actions it’s really important to really want to “take the diamond out of the trash.” That means that we need to want to see the really great stuff as important and that it’s worthwhile, no doubt, to make the extra effort to take it out from the not so important place, and make it important.

Here’s the kudos. Kudos to the diamond hunters. But why kudos now; we just said all this stuff is against the will of a plain person. Well, the diamond might not have shined so bright as to be able to recognize it’s value, but the kudos is really the value of the diamond, given to the humble diamond hunter from nature despite that it was in the trash; a diamond in the trash. Also, we didn’t have the importance of “Set the goal.” So now when we are taking on ourselves the greatest and most important stuff there is, we hope and ask for the shining of the brightness of the diamond so that we’ll be able to stick to the advice and support of nature. Kudos. And then we can carry through with all the advice, totally.

So, here we should really ask nature to give the brightness to those who want it, meaning that the importance of the goal will shine bright as a diamond for those people, meaning to shine bright for that quality which is really demanding it, despite everything. This doesn’t mean that nature is supposed to give us the greatness of demanding it, but that it gives us the greatness of nature itself, cause that’s all we need to feel the importance and greatness of uniting with it. If we just have this importance, everyone will be able to make efforts, and there will be no one in the world saying he has no strength to save his life and that he wants to remain dead, cause he feels that life is a very important thing cause he can enjoy it.

But if a person doesn’t feel that life has meaning, many people choose to die, since suffering in life is not supposed to be, since it’s against the whole purpose of everything, since the purpose of everything is for everyone to be happy, as a part of nature. That’s why a person that sees that he can’t be happy now, or at least later, commits suicide since he doesn’t have the goal of life.

That means that all we lack is “Set the goal,” to feel the greatness of nature. Then everyone will be able to achieve the goal, which is to be one with nature, okay.

Now, let’s talk about friendship. As we know, this great guy said three things that we need to make sense of: 1) Set the goal; 2) Bond; 3) Do the job.

It makes sense to think that friendship is talking about two people who are kind of similar when it comes to what they are like and what they do and so on, since then they probably get along and have stuff to talk about etcetera, and they become great buddies. And then they really bond, meaning they are really together.

But if one of them is putting more into the friendship than the other you can’t really say that they are equally together, or even friends, cause real friendship is when they both contribute equally to the friendship. It’s like in corporeal business, where both partners invest equally and that’s the only way they can have a true partnership and an equal business. So, “Bond” means that both of them choose to, and contribute to be each other’s friends.

But on the other hand, it’s impossible to learn from his friend if he doesn’t see the friend as greater than himself. It means that if the friend is greater than him, they can’t really be friends; they are more like a student and a teacher. In that case he can only get knowledge etcetera from the other.

That’s why it’s said, “Set the goal and bond” — both have to exist. In other words, each should see the other as a friend, and there is room for “togetherness”. This means that bonding also includes making concessions to each other, like a dad giving up on his rest or spending money on his kid, since he loves the kid, okay.

Of course that’s all natural love, which is really an invention from nature to keep the world going, like, for the persistence of it. If, for example, the dad would raise the kids only because it’s the right thing to do, as like with following advice, then of course the kids would have clothes on their back and food and stuff only as long as the dad has the motivation to keep that advice. Sometimes he would be able to, and sometimes not, and his kids might starve to death as a result, right.

That’s why nature gave parents that natural love for their kids, so that the world can go on really. With friends, though, it’s not the same. Here everyone has to make great efforts by himself to build the love of friends in his heart.

Now, when we are talking about “Bond,” we are talking about friendship. Once you get it, at least with your brains, that you’re not really able to make the effort by yourself here, but that you need help, once you get that, you start making the effort of bonding, meaning to really make concessions for the sake of the friend.

Why? It’s because the person understands that his main work is really to go along with the laws of nature, or you can even call it to “give” to nature, since really the “nature” of nature is to give. But this is against a person’s nature, cause a person is born with a desire to receive only for his own sake. That’s why we were given the fix, or the cure by which you can go from self-love to love of others, and by that you can come to the love of nature, okay.

So, it’s obviously possible to find a friend and be together on the same level, or in the same boat or whatever you wanna call it, but after that, to connect the friend to the set goal, meaning to look up to the friend like he’s looking up to the goal of coming to the love of nature, that is something he cannot do. But if he doesn’t see the friend as his teacher in that sense, how will he be able to learn from him? This is called to “Set,” meaning a mindless action. In other words, he has to accept above his reason that his friend is greater, meaning closer to the goal, and that’s called “Set,” meaning to act above reason, so to speak. Okay.

In one heck of a terrific essay it says something like this, “For the first step, each one needs to feel like the smallest among all the friends. By that he can catch the greatness of the great one.” So, what he’s saying here is, in other words that each one really needs to see himself as the smallest among the friends that bonded.

How, though, is it really possible at all to see yourself as the smallest one of the friends? Well, the only way is above reason. That’s called “Set the goal,” meaning that the others are really great, and they’re pointing out the goal for him and he can just follow their lead.

That’s quite an effort, cause the rule is really that you always see faults in others while your own faults always stay hidden to you. But now he has to see the other as great, and that it’s really worthwhile to accept what he says or does, and learn from his actions.

But the donkey, or the body of the person doesn’t like it; because whenever one has to learn from someone, meaning that one looks up to someone, it means that the other commits him to work, and the donkey doesn’t want to work. It wants to rest; that’s better for it; and that’s why it’s more convenient to rule out the friends views and actions so that he won’t have to make the effort.

That’s why it’s called “Set the goal.” It means that if you’re gonna bond, you have to set things up properly with the friends to make it work. In other words, it’s by your own reason that you’re doing it; cause your reason doesn’t wanna work in that direction, and it even shows him the opposite, that he himself is the great diamond hunter and whatnot, and that the friend should follow him. That’s why it’s called “Set” (the goal), meaning it’s quite an action, meaning doing and not reasoning.

3) “And do the job.”

After we said “Bond,” there remains the question, “What about the rest of the people?” For example, if a person chooses a few friends and leaves the others and doesn’t bond with them, the question is, “How should he treat them?” After all, they’re not his friends. And why didn’t he choose them? Well, probably he didn’t find enough good qualities in them, not enough to bond with them, meaning he doesn’t appreciate them, right.

So, what we’re talking about here is really that it’s not really so hard to bond with those that you appreciate, but the real job is rather to deal with those that are not in your in-group, so to speak. That’s where a great guy said, “Do the job,” meaning one should judge everyone favorably.

This means that the fact that he doesn’t find any merits in them is not their fault. Rather it’s him that is not able to go through with the bonding in full, but leaves the job half done. That’s why he can only see stuff all together through his own qualities of his own soul. That’s all true according to where he’s at right now so to speak, but not according to the real truth. In other words, yes, there is such a thing as truth in itself, regardless of the one who sees it.

There is truth that each sees with his own eyes, meaning this truth changes according to the one who sees. Which means that it changes according to the changing states of the person who sees.

But the actual truth didn’t change in its essence. That’s why each person can attain the same thing differently. And so, that’s why in the eyes of everyone else it could be that everyone is just fine, but he sees it differently, according to his own quality.

That’s why he says, “And do the job,” meaning that he can’t just lean back on his recently attained togetherness, but he needs to see everyone favorably, not only his friends; that they are all good, and he has no complaints whatsoever about their way of behaving or anything of sorts. But for himself, he can’t learn anything from them since they’re not aiming for the same goal as him for the time being.



Staffan Carle
Staffan Carle

Written by Staffan Carle

Translator, forklift driver, father, student of human integral systems, expat in Japan

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