PURPOSE OF TOGETHERNESS — Rewriting the article Purpose of society 1, by the Rabash
We are here, actually, to become human, meaning that we choose not to remain like animals anymore, like someone said: “You’re not dogs anymore, you are humans.” And another great guy said, “You are ‘human beings’ now, you are not totally off track anymore.”
So what’s so great about being human? Other great guys said: “In the end of the day, after all is said and done, etcetera, we need to stick to nature; that’s really what being human is all about.” Then there was the question, “What is ‘being human’?”
Another guy said, “Nature is like telling us here that the whole world was made only for that, meaning that the whole world was made only for us to stick to nature.”
So, we need to understand what sticking to nature means, being the whole reason for the whole world and everything. We know, like from accumulated experience that the reason for why this world is here is that people will become happy. Meaning that nature wants to give us everything, like, just for us to feel happy here. And that’s what they meant by “That’s really what being human is all about.” Meaning, sticking to nature.
But according to what it says in some book about receiving all the good stuff, the reason why people are not really so happy even though our happiness is supposed to be the reason for why we are here and alive and everything, is that we’re not really sticking to nature at all. Nature is like our origin and we are like its opposite; it’s like everything that nature really wants is for us to be happy, but we’re not in sync with that attitude at all. But naturally we are part of nature, it’s like common knowledge. Like root and branch, us being a part of our origin.
And since nature doesn’t want to receive happiness for itself but only wants us to be happy, also we, the humans, are really uncomfortable when we feel we’re supposed to just be the receiver of what nature is giving us. That’s why we’re so ashamed of ourselves, meaning that we’re starting to see how screwed up we are in this sense, and our society.
And, now, actually, this is really why we are alive in the first place. Meaning this thing we call life is actually, kind of, like a curtain hiding all the good stuff that we’re supposed to feel. Aha; and why? OK, the answer is so that we will start to feel that we really need to stick to nature. That means that we see how far we are from our nature, from our origin that we are supposed to be a part of. It means we should kind of avoid just to exploit and mess things up all over the place all the time. Cause it’s not really real happiness at all when we feel happy from messing up nature or each other, meaning it’s not like the happiness we were offered from the start so to speak.
Instead of that, naturally, we’re supposed to be happy in the same way nature is happy by wanting us to be happy, so we should be happy from making nature happy. So, that means that we will want to make nature happy, to stick to nature in short, and stop messing things up by wanting just to be happy without thinking about why and for whose benefit it is and not being able to think of nature or other people, but thinking only of myself. ’Cause when we are like “meta happy” or BS happy, sorry the language, like that it’s totally the opposite of sticking to nature.
So that’s why if we really want to make some improvements here, we need to think about sticking to nature the way it sticks to us. And to be able to do that we need to start with other people around us. Meaning to care, really care for others.
And this really true care can only happen by changing one’s whole purpose of living which is just being happy for my own happiness’ sake so to speak. So, in a way I should really be ashamed of myself, being such an egoist. But on the other hand I can be really happy and thankful that nature made us think about this stuff, as if it gave us a second chance to stick to each other, and to nature in the end.
And even though we are not really capable of doing this yet we kind of started to want it, which is great, ’cause even though we are at the beginning of the way, we really hope to reach the goal.