ONE SHOULD ALWAYS GET RID OF THE BAD STUFF — Rewriting the article One should always sell the beams of his house, by the Rabash
Someone said, “One should always get rid of the bad stuff, and get sane.” So, it’s important to understand here what this means, why it is so important to “get sane” and what’s the “bad stuff.”
Stuff in life, the bad stuff that happens is the bad stuff. A lot of stuff happens in a person’s life, and a person has a lot of feelings and thoughts about it and around it.
So you ask yourself sometimes who messed things up for you, even why did it happen at all.
It’s not fair, all the bad stuff that happens; why me even? It seems like people around you, most of them are better off all together compared to yourself.
So, this kind of mood in a person is like a major complaint to whatever it is that is working against him, and him not being able to justify any of it.
Someone said though, “You need to see also the bad stuff as good,” and that’s the way to arrive at the good stuff in the end.
It’s like there is this guy who refuses to buy ice cream for his little kid on his birthday or whatever, even though all the other kids get it and so on; people around him think he’s so cruel but actually he’s just good to the kid cause he knows he has allergies and whatnot, and later when they get home he will make for him this really special ice cream that doesn’t hurt him and is even better than the regular stuff sold outside anyway.
So it means they are too quick to judge there, and a man just needs to do what he needs to do, and everything will be just fine.
And now there’s this thing with friends and people around you and all that, like it’s the same thing with them.
Of course when one looks at them closely one thinks they are all crazy, every one of them. He himself does his best, buying them ice cream or whatever, trying not to be bad and everything; but most of them seem like criminals anyway, the way they behave.
It’s like a person himself is trying to be good but when looking at the people around him he sees they are not even trying; what’s with them, in short.
So it turns out he’s like observing them, spying on them, as if waiting for them to be all nice and save the day, or even the world, or at least himself kind of.
But he sees they are all just nice words and they can’t even behave properly in the way they talk and they’re all cold as if they just want to get rid of him.
And then a little question pops up in the person saying, “If you think you yourself is alright and quite such a nice guy, how come you have such bad thoughts about the others?”
Well, he replies, I might not be the best person on the planet but I thought these guys were supposed to chip in and take care of me the way I try to take care of them. How am I supposed to carry the whole load? But I see now that I would even be better off without them.
Well then mister, what if you all are on the same ground, what if they too are trying to be happy together and everything, but they too are disappointed? But somehow, for some good reason, they all ended up together to be able to accomplish something they can’t engage in really practically as it seems, but they all have this same wish to become able to do it.
So now when he is all critical on his friends, now is the time to stand up to it and say they all came together for the same purpose and everyone of them have this kind of heavy load when it comes to justifying and overcoming and whatnot, but at the core of it they all just want to get along. If they only can be together, like really together, everything will be just fine in other words. It’s not that complicated now.
But in the end it’s really hard, bad stuff happens all the time, in short they are pretty far from always getting along. So how can they stick together anyway, and do they even want to?
Well, there was a reason for them to get together in the first place, so, as a great guy said, “They should remember the reason and stick together.” It’s the only way, like a pact or mutual agreement or whatever you wanna call it.
Again, now he needs to see things a little above himself and his little critique on his friends; they all have the same work and they all want the same thing in the end.
So now we can understand what it means “One should always get rid of the bad stuff, and get sane”, meaning he needs to be just a few inches above his own little bad feelings he has towards the other guys.
Then just “get rid of it all,” meaning all the spying and critical stuff against the friends doesn’t really need to be there, and if he just throws it all out everything will be alright. Everything will be really good actually.